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About NAAP

NAAP is a community of like-minded professionals dedicated to understanding the human condition. Join our diverse membership and connect with other mental health professionals as we strive to maintain a continuous dialogue about what it means to be humanwhy join napp.

Our Mission

As the national advocate for independent psychoanalysis for all the schools of thought, we aim to unite those schools and ensure the independence, advancement, recognition, and sustainability of our profession.

We advocate for improved legislation, serving as watchdog for any attempt to force lay analysts out of existence. And, we provide a place for independent psychoanalysts to register their certification.

Our Commitment
  • Maintain a national, professional, psychoanalytic membership organization;
  • Expand our community of member institutes whose training standards are in accordance with NAAP guidelines;
  • Grant membership to all individuals who meet our requirements and standards;
  • Maintain a legislative and lobbying arm to oversee the professional needs of individual and institutional members throughout the country;
  • Implement policies that safeguard our mandate to ensure diversity, social justice, and responsibility within our membership, schools of thought, and geographic scope;
  • Elevate, broaden, and universalize the standards of graduate and postgraduate education in psychoanalysis;
  • Help members to serve a variety of people and communities, locally and globally, in the most professional way possible by applying psychoanalytic principles and treatments;
  • Work for the recognition of psychoanalysis as an independent profession.

Professional Legislative Advocacy

naap_professional-legislative-advocacyCurrently, NAAP has a federal and a state lobbyist working to pass favorable legislation. NY A#3910 would allow the four professions –– Creative Art Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Marriage & Family Counselors, and Psychoanalysts –– to form a single corporate structure. Additionally, A#2708 would mandate insurance reimbursement for these professions in Article 163.

With the help and advocacy of our lobbyists, we have benefited from the NYS Attorney General’s settlement with ValueOptions insurance –– a first step toward our goal of reimbursement parity.

We have entered into an agreement with Empire Blue Cross which enables our psychoanalysts to join the Blue Cross network. For more information about this, contact

We continue to negotiate and advocate for complete parity for psychoanalysts regarding insurance reimbursement. This includes communicating with the state AG regarding our inclusion in Timothy’s Law.

With NAAP, psychoanalysts can become activists in their own states.

New York, New Jersey, and Vermont have achieved either certification or licensing through state legislation. Members and institutes in other states and countries frequently consult us for help with drafting statements to protect their interests, providing supportive testimony, or assisting in their legislative activities. Decades of activism have made us a well known resource for individuals and institutions.

Over the years, we have provided financial, legislative, and organizational support to states such as New York, New Jersey, Vermont, and Massachusetts, contributing several thousand dollars to the latter’s licensing legislation efforts.

Continuing Education

NAAP hosts Continuing Education events and an annual conference. We co-sponsor member institute events on request, and provide a calendar of events that are of interest to our members.

Additionally, we provide CE certificates, by email and for a small fee. To obtain a certificate you must attend the full event and submit a signed evaluation at the end of the program.

Visit our Continuing Education page for more information or contact us for more information about CE credits.







Membership Benefits (individual & institutional)
  • Professional recognition
  • Legislative advocacy
  • Professional liability insurance
  • Continuing education
  • Registration ID for psychoanalysts
  • Third-party payment consultation service
  • Special membership events
  • Educational seminars & conferences
  • Newsletter & e-Bulletin
  • Website listing
Expert consultation referrals
  • Long-term care insurance
  • Income protection plan
  • Discounted car & home insurance
  • Association dental/medical plan

Call our insurance expert, Frank Morina, for dental and medical insurance: 845-947-5555.



Uniting the Schools of Thought

The history of NAAP encompasses many people – presidents, members, board members, and staff – and their work for the recognition of psychoanalysis. In 1972, a small group of psychoanalysts met to discuss how they could enhance the development of psychoanalysis as an independent profession. Their meeting led to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis, and that same year, Ethel Clevans, MS, Harold Davis, PhD, Leonard Liegner, MD, Phyllis Meadow, PhD, and Philip Polatin, MD, incorporated the organization. In 1973, representatives from ten institutes met in Los Angeles to plan NAAP’s formation and an annual conference. Read More>>