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NAAP Membership Requirements

There are 2 levels of individual professional membership in NAAP:

1: Psychoanalyst

2: Candidate

PSYCHOANALYST (P) A Psychoanalyst is a certified psychoanalyst graduate from an ABAP-accredited institute OR from a non-ABAP institute that offers equivalent training. The following minimum requirements must be met:

  1. accredited Master’s degree or higher;
  2. 36 Carnegie Units/450 clock hours of courses on theory and technique in psychoanalysis;
  3. 1,500 hours in clinical experience, including a minimum of the following:
  • 300 hours of personal (individual) analysis with a certified analyst;
  • 200 hours of individual supervision, with a minimum of 3 certified psychoanalyst supervisors, to include 50 hours on 1 case with one supervisor and 50 hours on 1 or more cases with a second supervisor;
  • 1,000 hours supervised clinical experience of which 250 hours may consist of group supervision, case conference supervision, and continuing clinical education experience.
  • Each supervisor and training analyst must be a certified psychoanalyst and have a minimum of 3 years post-certification experience of practice in psychoanalysis. No supervisor may be one’s personal analyst.


CANDIDATE (C) Candidate status is available to candidates-in-training at ABAP-accredited or equivalent institutes or programs. Eligible students are those who can document that they are:

  1. officially enrolled in their institute;
  2. engaged in the supervised practice of psychoanalysis.


other membership categories



  • RESEARCH AFFILIATE status is available to scientists whose research is relevant to the practice of psychoanalysis.
  • ACADEMIC AFFILIATE status is open to educators who have a psychoanalytically informed orientation to education.
  • MENTAL HEALTH AFFILIATE status is available to members of other professions who have demonstrated an interest in psychoanalysis.


FRIEND OF PSYCHOANALYSIS (F) For members of the public who have an interest in psychoanalysis. This category is intended to provide public representation to NAAP and to educate the community about our goals and activities.

ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP (ORG) Organizational Membership is open to any psychoanalytic organization or training institute that:

  1. supports the educational and training endeavors of psychoanalysts from different perspectives and encourages a dialogue among those perspectives;
  2. wishes to collaborate with other psychoanalytic organizations to help understand new developments in psychoanalysis.